EFPR Companies

For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

Federal Audits

*Audit and assurance services are provided by EFPR Group, CPAs, PLLC and EFPR Group Florida, CPAs, PLLC

Managing operations in the federal government sector requires expertise in all units of federal, state and local governance including quasi-government agencies and non-profit institutions controlled and financed by these agencies. These entities are diverse and provide a myriad of accounting and financial challenges.

Many government agencies must perform within sensitive political environments and still comply with state and federal regulators. While hundreds of government agencies exist, the majority of them are responsible for carrying out the policies and practices established by their charter or area of jurisdiction.

Our Government Services Team helps an array of agencies integrate government accounting models and standards to address the needs of their constituents as they undertake issues such as population growth, housing, energy, defense, environment, healthcare, aging and any other areas requiring government oversight.

Our engagement teams include personnel with the specific expertise and experience government clients expect. We believe our approach results in an efficient, cost effective and solution focused process. We have performed, and continue to provide several services for the Federal Government, including:

  • Performance Audits
  • Financial Statement Audits
  • Compliance Auditing Services
  • Claims Auditing
  • Internal Control Audits
  • Invoice Verification

Our workforce maintains an education on Federal Government standards; such as FASAB, OMB Circular A-136, FFMIA, NAFI, and any other principles we would need to follow to serve a federal agency.

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