EFPR Companies

For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

image of employees wearing Buffalo Bill jerseys

Exciting Annoucement

Springline + EFPR

Young woman in work environment

Tax & Business Services

Our team provides a comprehensive portfolio of services to meet all your tax planning and preparation needs.

Workers reviewing inventory

Auditing Services

Our industry specialized audit team produce highly efficient and effective audits while building long-term relationships.

Professional working on laptop computer

Commercial Services

Our commercial services team has vast experience in serving for-profit businesses dealing with a wide range of complex accounting requirements.

Rochester skyline

International Business Consulting

Working in a foreign country creates challenges for employers and employees. We make global mobility easier to navigate and manage.

Workers reviewing information on iPad

Business Valuation, Forensics & Litigation

Our team specializes in investigatory and analytical business consulting in an effort to protect and recover client assets.

Reviewing pie chart

Individual Tax Planning

Our highly skilled accountants help individuals with their tax preparation and estate planning needs.

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StoneBridge Business Partners

For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team of accountants and business consultants have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

Careers Make the Most of Your Talents

Love where you work and grow your career at EFPR, an employer of choice and premier accounting and business services firm.

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Conference room setting

Commercial Services Making the Complex Simple

Commercial businesses throughout the United States require a comprehensive array of accounting, business advisory, outsourcing, and business valuation services. The complex and diverse nature of this industry sector provides substantial challenges and opportunities for explosive growth.

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Workers reviewing information on computer

Tax and Business Services Building Stronger Businesses

Providing expert financial oversite and planning as your business grows and diversifies.

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Workers share success together
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award logo that says "inside public accounting top 200 firms 2024"

EFPR Group Named A 2024 IPA 200 Firm

Rochester, NY (August, 2024): We’re excited to share that INSIDE Public Accounting (“IPA”) has ranked EFPR Group, LLP at #152 for 2024, slightly higher than…read more

IPA logo for top 200 firms in 2023

EFPR Group Named A 2023 IPA 200 Firm

Rochester, NY (July, 2023): INSIDE Public Accounting (“IPA”) has ranked EFPR Group, LLP number 155 (in 2022 the Firm was 164). The annual rankings are…read more

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EFPR publishes a monthly e-newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on the latest accounting news, rulings, and trends as well as observations on the state of business, government and not-for-profits.

Committed to Building Trust & Confidence

EFPR was founded on the principle of improving the lives of our clients by providing superior guidance, extraordinary service and creative solutions.
