EFPR Companies

For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

Employee Benefit Plan Audits

*Audit and assurance services are provided by EFPR Group, CPAs, PLLC and EFPR Group Florida, CPAs, PLLC

Organizations with more than 100 employees are required to obtain an annual plan audit.

Today, regulators expect employers to properly handle transactions, maintain the health of the plan, continue funding the plan, and keep their promise to employees.

EFPR’s Employee Benefit Plan Team is highly experienced in delivering a complete range of services to employee benefit plan clients. We currently audit over 100 Employee Benefit Plans ranging in size from $170,000 to $160,000,000 and from one hundred to several thousand participants.

Our services include:

  • Defined Contribution Plans
  • Defined Benefit Plans and Frozen Pension Plans
  • Employee Stock Ownership Plans
  • Multi-Employer Plans
  • 11-K’s for Publicly Traded Companies
  • Health & Welfare Plans
  • SSAE 16 reviews
  • Analysis of Investment Performance
  • Assistance with Voluntary Correction Program (VCP) filings
  • Assistance with IRS and DOL Audits
  • Review of Compliance with the Plan Document, IRS, & DOL Regulations
  • Internal Control Reviews

One of the most critical issues in employee benefit plans is ensuring compliance between the DOL’s rules and regulations and your plan’s trust agreement. Our trusted team of advisors can perform internal control audits to ensure the policies and procedures currently in place do not cause your plan to be out of compliance.

Our employee benefit plan service line professionals gain industry knowledge through memberships in the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center and extensive annual in-house training. Our client service philosophy places a high value on quality, responsiveness and effectiveness. We strive to build a lasting relationship with our clients based on trust and respect.

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