EFPR Companies

For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

Event – Saddled with High Interest Student Loan Debt or Contemplating Student Loans?

EFPR Group invites you to attend a critically important seminar to help you avoid the negative impact of college debt or restructure the loans you already have. The program will take place on Wednesday evening, October 26th at Oak Hill Country Club.

If you have children or grandchildren preparing to attend college, attending college or graduates with debt, you will find this presentation invaluable. Discussions regarding the current college financial environment include:

  • How the initial college search must be financially focused
  • Paying for college & minimizing loans – graduate and undergraduate
  • Minimizing overall debt
  • Loan strategies for parents and students
  • Consolidation, refinancing and loan forgiveness

The increasing cost of college and the staggering $1.3 TRILLION in student loan debt requires immediate attention to avoid future debt. The typical college graduate now has an average of $38,000 in federal student loans – a figure not including private loans!

The American dream – to attend college, buy a first home, have children, and save for retirement; all hinge on the price you pay for a college education. The impact this debt is having on new graduates is profound.

For the past 12 years, Paul Celuch, CEO of College Assistance Plus (CAPlus), and his team have guided thousands of families in the selection of a college with a focus on minimizing students’ and parents’ debt. In the same time period, CAPlus realized the need to expand their services as parents sort out myth from fact regarding: college scholarships, financial aid and student loans.

Even those never personally hampered by student loan debt are being impacted as society at large bears the burden of career paths not taken, first homes not purchased, entrepreneurship stalled, public sector employment diminished, investments not made, and lives delayed. (American Student Assistance)

Refreshments are available at 6:30 p.m., and the seminar will begin at 7:00 p.m. The program will run for 40 minutes with ample time for questions. Seating is limited so please call (585) 582-1846 or email CAPlus@collegeassistanceplus.com to reserve your seat.

To learn more about this topic, please click on the link below.

Life Delayed: The Impact of Student Debt on the Daily Lives of Young Americans. (American Student Assistance)

For more information call
