EFPR Companies

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3/31 US Senator Chuck Schumer’s Stimulus Small Business Guide

From NYS Senator Chuck Schumer’s Office: The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now. When implemented, there will be many new resources available for small businesses, as well as certain non-profits and other employers. The below links provides information about the major programs and initiatives that will soon be available from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to address these needs, as well as some additional tax provisions that are outside the scope of SBA.

Click HERE for the guide that provides information pertaining to:

  • Paycheck Protection Program Loans
  • Small Business Debt Relief Program
  • Economic Injury Disaster Loans & Emergency Economic Injury Grants
  • Small Business Consulting
  • Small Business Contracting
  • Small Business Tax Provisions

Click HERE for the Keeping American Workers Paid and Employed Act (section-by-section)

Click HERE a description of the small business provisions included in the stimulus.

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