EFPR Companies

For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

Not-for-Profit Organizations

*Audit and assurance services are provided by EFPR Group, CPAs, PLLC and EFPR Group Florida, CPAs, PLLC

Raising money from donors, enjoying tax exemptions, and receiving grants all require a level of transparency and openness about your organization’s financial operations.

Whether the goal is helping people build houses, saving the planet, or offering spiritual fulfillment through a church or synagogue, not-for-profit organizations have special and often complex financial requirements. The professionals at EFPR have a long history of assisting 501(c) and other not-for-profits with the rigorous internal controls and auditing processes prescribed by the federal and state government.

EFPR has substantial experience in helping not-for-profit organizations navigate the complexities of financing and auditing requirements. We recognize accounting and auditing is not your first mission in life, and know you would like to get back to the goals of your organization. We make our processes as streamlined and non-disruptive as possible.

Whenever we conduct an audit for a not-for-profit organization, we mine the data for insights to help you run your organization more effectively. It’s more than paperwork and calculations to us. It is this partnership approach our clients appreciate when working with us.

Looking for the CHAR500 application portal that lets charities in New York State file their annual financial disclosures online? Click here for instructions on how to setup this up!

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