Tim Schyve
Tim is from Buffalo, New York and currently resides in Florida. He is a University at Buffalo alumni and has been in this profession for 12 years. Tim has joined The Firm as a Manager in Buffalo’s Attest Department and will be working remotely!
What are your specialty areas, what problems do you help clients solve?
Supervising audits and preparing financial statements
Favorite Quote:
“Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda
Do you play a musical instrument?
Are you an avid fan of any sports teams?
Buffalo Bills
Where is the most unusual or exotic place you’ve traveled to?
Name a “bucket list” personal goal that you’d like to accomplish? What is the likelihood that you’ll accomplish it? Are you working toward it now?
I want to travel to Ireland. I’m saving for it now.
Published Date: 2023/08/28