Kim Dutton
Kim is from Rochester, NY and currently resides in Brockport. She has over 20 years in the profession and really enjoys working with numbers, with a specialty in reconciling.
What attracted you to EFPR?
I have an acquaintance who works at EFPR and let me know of the opening. This is the type of position I love to do.
What do you hope to bring to the EFPR team?
I hope to bring my years of experience and expertise to my role to the team. I have a positive attitude and excellent work ethic.
Who is your hero and why?
My hero is my father. He was a Rochester Fire Fighter for more than 25 years. He saved lives everyday. He worked 2 or 3 jobs at a time to ensure that my mother could be home to raise her children.
Are you an avid fan of any sports teams?
I am a dedicated fan to the Buffalo Bills and the Buffalo Sabres.
What was the title and author of the last book you read?
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner.
Published Date: 2023/11/28