EFPR Companies

For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

Jason Cukierski

Jason is from Elma, NY. He is a graduate of University at Buffalo with a BS in Business and  concentration in Finance and Management Information Systems. He also received his JD in  2017 with a concentration in Finance and Intellectual Property. He is currently a Staff Accountant in the Buffalo office. 

What attracted you to EFPR?
“The opportunity to get into the professional world of finance and accounting, with a focus on  auditing, in a firm that appreciates alternative viewpoints and embrace innovation, creativity,  and change.”

What made you want to go into your line of work?
“Following the numbers. I come from a long line of finance professionals. I believe this has  ingrained a life-long interest in the financial world. Everything comes from something, finance  and accounting keep track of it all.”

Do you play a musical instrument?
“I am a vocalist. I was in an A cappella group in my late teens.” 

Do you play a sport or did you play in college or high school?
“I coach track and field and gymnastics. I still play whenever possible volleyball, soccer, and  golf.”

Published Date: 2021/03/09

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