EFPR Companies

For over 60 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team have been serving individuals and businesses in Western New York and around the nation.

Emma Lu

Emma is from Shanxi, China and currently resides in Grand Island, NY. She is a graduate of  University at Buffalo with a BS in Accounting. She also received her MS in Accounting from the  University at Buffalo in 2021.

Emma is a new Staff Accountant in the Attest department in the Buffalo office.

What attracted you to EFPR?
“I think EFPR can help me develop my skills in accounting.” 

What made you want to go into your line of work?
“A lot of my family members are accountants, so I have been managing my saving and spending  since elementary school.” 

What do you hope to bring to the EFPR team?
“I hope to bring my data analysis skills to help the team.” 

Where is the most unusual or exotic place you’ve traveled to?
“The Forbidden City in Beijing, China.” 

What is your “number one” hobby?

What was the title of and author of the last book you read?
At the Mountains of Madness, Howard Phillips Lovecraft.”

Published Date: 2021/06/15

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