Deanna Alonge
Deanna is from East Amherst, NY and currently resides in Lockport. She has a B.S. and M.S. in Accounting. She will be working in the Attest Department and then transitioning into Tax and Business Services Department. Deanna recently joined EFPR as a Staff Accountant in the Buffalo office.
What attracted you to EFPR?
“When I was researching the company, I was drawn to the principle of improving the lives of our clients by providing superior guidance, extraordinary service and creative solutions.”
Do you have any notable achievements you have accomplished outside of work?
“I actually started a partnership with my sister called C&D Photography. She loves hiking and taking cool, local nature pictures and I plan the business aspect. For example I bought the frames, I set the prices, and even registered for us to participate in an arts and crafts fair two summers ago. It’s funny because we didn’t make a single dollar for the whole 16 hours that we rented the booth for. It was worth it though, because we learned a lot and had fun in the process.”
What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you?
“I like riding motorcycles. I own a 2007 Honda Shadow Aero. I taught myself how to ride after only being on a bike once when I was about 5-years old. And a family friend helped me buy my first bike, three years ago.”
What was the title and author of the last book you read?
“The Time Machine by H.G. Wells.”
Published Date: 2022/07/14